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Is hospice the right choice?

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Nursing Availability





Is Hospice Right for You or Your Loved One?

Please review the questions below and select the options that best meet the needs of you or your loved one. Your information is of great importance to us and will not be shared with any outside parties. If you have anything specific that you would like to add, please do so below

If you would like Eutopia Hospice to provide an evaluation of you or your loved one’s appropriateness for hospice care, please call our 24 hour referral line at 210-257-0201 and or you may reach us by email at admin@eutopiahealthcare.com or
E-Fax to 888-502-8775

Why Choose Us

Hospice is more than what you may think. Our services extend to a wide variety of patients and we offer help no matter the situation.

Parkinson’s Disease

Supranuclear Palsy

Alzheimer’s Disease and related conditions

Spiritual Counseling/Bereavement Care

Multiple Sclerosis

Complex Respiratory Conditions

24 hour Nursing Availability


Massage therapy


Respite Care


Aromatherapy, relaxation and meditation



Eutopia Hospice care

When should you or a loved one start Hospice Care?

An individual is offered hospice care when he or she has advanced cancer to the point where further treatment cannot cure or control it. In general, hospice care should be used when a person is expected to live about 6 months or less if the illness runs its usual course. People with advanced cancer should have a discussion with their family members and doctor to decide together when hospice care should begin.
It is often too late to start hospice care, according to studies. Doctors, patients, and family members may reject hospice because they assume it means “giving up”. Knowing that you have the option of leaving hospice and going into active cancer treatment is essential. In the end, hospice offers the prospect of living a quality life, enjoying every day as it comes during the final stages of illness and its treatment.


Eutopia Hospice care

How to know if Hospice care is right for you or a loved one

Hospice care is a unique kind of care that focuses on the quality of life for people and their caregivers who are experiencing an advanced, life-limiting illness. Hospice care provides compassionate care for people in the last phases of incurable disease so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible.

During the end-of-life transition, having the physical, emotional and spiritual support you need can make a big difference. Our Hospice team is dedicated to working with patients and families to help ease burdens so they can enjoy quality time together. We’ll work with you and your loved ones to ensure the days are spent comfortably, with dignity and meaning.

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